Who We Are

To be an engaged community of Jesus, energized to intentionally share the light of God throughout our daily living. 

Realizing a healthier world through Jesus.

Statement of Welcome

St. Peter’s Evangelical Lutheran Church, Cambridge’s Land Acknowledgment

Here at St. Peter's in Cambridge, we acknowledge that we are on the ancestral lands of the Attawandaron, or Neutrals, the Anishinaabe, and the Haudenosaunee Peoples. Before the arrival of European settlers, these First Peoples had agreements between them represented by wampum belts from which they understood how to use the resources sustainably. One of these wampum belts is called the ‘Dish With One Spoon’ Belt. This wampum agreement represents the abundant land and water in what is now known as the Great Lakes Region with a dish, or bowl. Each tribe was to use the one spoon to remove only those resources they needed to live sustainably and then pass the dish onto others so that the abundance was shared. We are grateful for this example of using our abundance sustainably so that our resources are never depleted but shared equally for the benefit of all and continuing to the next seven generations.